
to the esstone flights digitaltwin API reference.

You are not logged in, you may log in or access the API with an API-key.


Content types

Argument In Type Example-Value Description
Content-type header string application/xml Content type of request
Accept header string application/json Content type of response

--header "Content-Type: application/xml" --header "Accept: application/json"

API-key authentication

Argument In Type Example-Value Description
Api-Key header string dsfs7df66s5sf

--header "Api-Key: dsfs7df66s5sf"


Read a basemodel

GET /digitaltwin/basemodels/[<name>/][<version>/]
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
name path string Plane_B Name of the basemodel, returns a list of all basemodels if left blank
version path integer 2 Version of the basemodel

curl --request GET "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/basemodels/Plane_B/2/"

Create a new basemodel

POST /digitaltwin/basemodels/<name>/
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
name path string Plane_B Name of the basemodel, returns a list of all basemodels if left blank
description data string filepath xsd-Data

curl --request POST "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/basemodels/Plane_B/" --data-binary "@filepath"

Delete a basemodel

DELETE /digitaltwin/basemodels/<name>/[<version>/]
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
name path string Plane_B Name of the basemodel, returns a list of all basemodels if left blank
version path integer 5 Version of the basemodel

curl --request DELETE "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/basemodels/Plane_B/5/"

Read the explanation of a basemodel

GET /digitaltwin/explanations/<basemodel>/[<version>/]{x-path}
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
name path string Plane_B Name of the basemodel, returns a list of all basemodels if left blank
version path integer 2 Version of the basemodel
x-path path path specification/plane/wing/position

curl --request GET "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/explanations/Plane_B/2/specification/plane/wing/position"


Read an instance

GET /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance, returns a list of all instances if left blank

curl --request GET "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/"

Create a new instance

POST /digitaltwin/instances/
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
description data string filepath Will create empty instance if left blank

curl --request POST "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/" --data-binary "@filepath"

Change an instance

PATCH /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
description data string filepath Will create empty instance if left blank

curl --request PATCH "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/" --data-binary "@filepath"

Delete an instance

DELETE /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance

curl --request DELETE "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/"

Reading a node or an attribute

GET /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/{x-path}/<attribute>
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance, returns a list of all instances if left blank
x-path path path specification/plane/wing/position
attribute path string x name of the attribute

curl --request GET "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/specification/plane/wing/position/x"

Writing (adding) a node or an attribute

POST /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/{x-path}/<attribute>
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance, returns a list of all instances if left blank
x-path path path identification/idset[@id='A']
attribute data string fx name of the attribute
value data string 0.03 new value of the attribute

curl --request POST "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/identification/idset[@id='A']/fx" --data "<value>0.03</value>"

Replace a node or an attribute

PUT /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/{x-path}/<attribute>
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance, returns a list of all instances if left blank
x-path path path specification/plane/wing/position
attribute path string x name of the attribute
value data string 20 new value of the attribute

curl --request PUT "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/specification/plane/wing/position/x" --data "<value>20</value>"

Changing a node or an attribute

PATCH /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/{x-path}/<attribute>
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance, returns a list of all instances if left blank
x-path path path specification/plane/wing/position
attribute path string x name of the attribute
value data string 20 new value of the attribute

curl --request PATCH "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/specification/plane/wing/position/x" --data "<value>20</value>"

Deleting a node or an attribute

DELETE /digitaltwin/instances/<instance-id>/{x-path}/<attribute>
Argument In Type Example-Value Description
instance-id path integer 44 Id of the instance, returns a list of all instances if left blank
x-path path path specification/plane/wing
attribute path string subsurf name of the attribute

curl --request DELETE "https://digital.esstone.flights/digitaltwin/instances/44/specification/plane/wing/subsurf"